Hydration and prevention of dehydrated skin

Every skin type and condition has one thing in common - we have to hydrate it.
Water evaporates from our skin during the day and therefore we have to protect ourselves from transepidermal water loss ( TEWL - transepidermal water loss). In healthy skin, it will be proportional to the amount of hydration in the skin. However, it will also depend on external influences such as air humidity and temperature. On average, a person loses 300-400 mL of water per day through TEWL.
Dehydrated skin is not a type but a condition that is variable. It is caused by excessive water loss that occurs due to factors that we can influence such as: insufficient hydration, hot showers, smoking, excessive cleaning and the like.
Dehydrated skin will :
- lose their elasticity and appear tight
- cause small wrinkles and fine lines
- produce too much sebum to compensate for moisture which can lead to acne
- to be oversensitive
So, unlike dry skin that lacks oil, we can all suffer from dehydrated skin because it lacks water. It is relatively easy to treat and get rid of this condition.

1. Use humectants - humectants are one of the 3 categories of moisturizers (along with emollients and occlusives). They will bind to water and thus moisturize the skin. Humectants create strong hydrogen bonds, which translates to - it is harder for water to escape and evaporate on skin that is covered with humectants. Examples of humectants in products are glycerin, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, propylene glycol, collagen...
Melli uses all the mentioned humectants, and you will find them in the Isla hyaluronic serum and the Rose and Eli collagen tonics .
It is ideal to use them in serums and tonics because they will add a light layer to your routine, i.e. they are water-based and thus suitable for all skin types. Apply them to damp skin, and then add another step of moisturizing cream or sun protection.
2. Do not exaggerate with cleaning and exfoliation - we will additionally remove natural hydration and oils from dehydrated skin if we clean and exfoliate it too much. Dehydrated skin will often have a damaged barrier that is in charge of preventing moisture loss. And it should be emphasized that excessive cleaning and exfoliation can cause a damaged barrier - which can lead to a vicious circle.
Therefore, clean with non-drying cleansers 1-2 times a day (depending on skin type) and in the evening apply a mask or a heavier, more occlusive cream to help the skin recover. Also, an oily skin type will not mind a brighter look in the evening.

3. Influence external factors - we don't mean control the weather, but the more difficult one - take a hot shower! Hot water will dry out the skin. In addition, some of us may have experienced dry skin since working at home due to the dry air - this is where humidifiers will help. In summer, pay attention to the climate, which also draws moisture from the skin. Keep in mind the intake of coffee and especially alcohol because they are diuretics - this means that (in large quantities) they can affect the amount of urination in the short term and dehydration.
4. Omega fats - supplements such as omega 3 tablets from algae will help dehydrated and dry skin in the long term. If you want to add whole foods rich in omega to that - add foods like walnuts , flax, algae and red beans to your diet.

Fragrant greeting,